Ways to Donate

Financial contributions for the Ontario Vipassana Centre can be made by old students at any time by cheque or Online Credit Card Donation.

Cheques should be made payable to the Ontario Vipassana Foundation and should be sent to:

Ontario Vipassana Centre
6486 Simcoe County Road 56
Egbert, Ontario, L0L 1N0

Receipts for income tax purposes will be issued for dāna given.

If you wish your donation to directly assist construction activities at the centre, please mark on the bottom of your cheque “centre development.”

Email Money Transfers

Another way to donate to the centre is the “Email Money Transfer” service (also called e-Transfer, or Interact e-Transfer) available through online banking with most banks.  To donate using this method, recipient email address may be specified as [email protected]    Note that your bank may charge you a small fee for using this service (for example, as of May 2015, TD Canada Trust charges $1.50 per transfer).  Consult your bank’s fee schedule for details.

Kindly include your name, email, and address in the comments section so we can send you a donation receipt.

Monthly donations

This is a beneficial way to help maintain the ongoing operation of the centre for holding courses or for centre development. Presently centre operational costs are well over $35,000 per month. Receipts for monthly dana will be issued at the end of the calendar year. Monthly dana can be given in three different ways:

Donation of Securities (Shares/Mutual Funds/Bonds)

Giving the centre a gift of publicly traded securities, instead of liquidating them and donating the proceeds, can offer tax advantages, thereby reducing the after tax cost of donation to the donor.  Learn more about Donation of Securities.


Please contact the Treasurer of the Ontario Vipassana Foundation at [email protected].

Getting Here

Online Donation


About the Centre

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Contact Us

+1 705-434-9850
[email protected]

+1 705-434-9850
[email protected]

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