
There are ten wholesome mental qualities — parami — that all meditators need to perfect within themselves in order to reach the goal of liberation. The goal is the stage of total egolessness. These ten parami are qualities that gradually dissolve the ego. As the ego dissolves, we naturally experience greater happiness. Often, after completing a Vipassana course, a strong desire arises to share what we have learned with others. This is the parami of dana.

Vipassana centres are run solely on dana, donations from students who feel this sense of gratitude for what they have learned and wish to offer support through a contribution of work or financing. Donations are the only source of funding for courses in this tradition around the world. There is no wealthy foundation nor individual sponsoring them. Neither the teachers nor the organizers receive any kind of payment for their service. All are working with a sense of gratitude and the desire to help others gain the Dhamma. Thus the spread of Dhamma moves with a purity of purpose, free from any commercialism.

Dana is only accepted from students who have completed a course and feel this sense of gratitude. Donation is truly a part of the practice — each time we feel a desire to help others our egos dissolve a little more. The capacity to give will naturally be different for each person and the donation will often reflect this capacity, but any donation, large or small, based on our desire to help others will strengthen our practice.

Therefore, whether your donation be large or small, let it be with purity of volition: “Because others have made donations of money and labour before me, I have been able to learn Dhamma helping me to be a happier person. I want others to have the same opportunity I’ve had. Therefore, let me give something for the benefit of others, according to my means.

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