How to Apply for a Course

  1. To apply for a course, please finish reading these steps and then visit the Course Schedule page. When you apply for a course you will first see the Introduction to the Technique and Code of Discipline. Please read it carefully as you will be required to follow it during your course.
  2. Once you have finished reading the Technique and Code of Discipline, fully and completely fill out all the sections of the application form and submit it. An application is required to register for all courses. You will receive an email confirming your application has been received. This is not a notice of acceptance to the course
  3. Please do not apply for more than two ten-day courses at a time.  If you apply for more than two ten-day courses at a time, the third and following applications will be cancelled.
  4. In two weeks or more (due to the large volume of applications) you will receive either an acceptance to the course or a notice that you have been placed on a waitlist because the course is already full. All correspondence will be through e-mail so please provide an e-mail address.
  5. Once you are accepted into the course you will receive an email asking you to confirm your attendance online in order to secure your place in the course. If you do not confirm, your space will likely be given to a student on the waitlist
  6. If you choose to send a paper application through the mail your application will be accepted in the order received. (Please remember that mailed applications take much longer to receive than applications that are sent electronically.) Please provide an email address in your application so we can respond to you in a timely way.

Course Schedule page


Getting Here





Teen & Children Courses

Teen & Children Courses

Ontario Vipassana Centre, 6486 Simcoe County Rd. 56, Egbert, Ontario, L0L 1N0
Privacy Policy
The Ontario Vipassana Centre is owned and operated by the Ontario Vipassana Foundation which is a registered non-profit charitable organization
(Charity Number BN 87365 6219 RR0001)

"Join Us for an Open House at the Ontario Vipassana Centre – Explore the Centre, Learn, and Experience Meditation with a recorded Mini Anapana Session by Mr. S.N. Goenka!"